Q: What is the power that makes us run from our darkest fear and hide from the question we most want to ask�� WHY? What holds us back? What makes us think that we have to run and hide? Why do we feel need to keep everything bottled up inside ourselves? Are we afraid that if we let our emotions show, we will get beat down from our superiors, or are we just scared of what others might think?

A: I think that people in general are stupid. We all care about what people think about us. No. What they think about what they see in us.

I guess nothing really lasts forever. Everything has to end sometime. But why does the best thing always seem to goo before its time. Love is one of those. It never seems to want to stay, and when it does, it hurts. Keyword: SEEMS. My theory is that love is always there, no matter what. When I went out with Randall, I spent two months with him and my heart told me to hang on. But my mind told me different. He had changed; he wasn I guess nothing really lasts forever. Everything has to end sometime. But why does the best thing always seem to goo before its time. Love is one of those. It never seems to want to stay, and when it does, it hurts. Keyword: SEEMS. My theory is that love is always there, no matter what. I never could figure out emotions. They are so confusing and strung out. I can barely tell the difference between love and obsession anymore. My life pretty much sucks now. I�ve even lost all interest in my life and turned to others� for interesting thoughts and stories. Everybody else�s lives seem great and my life is the only depressing one in the universe.

Unhappy people have a tendency to analyze others and draw conclusions. For example, an unhappy person may take a normal, happy outgoing personality and make it seem as though the person just craves attention. An unhappy person takes every other person that they find to be prettier, more handsom, or better in something than they are and makes them seem as though they are nothing but pond scum. They do this to make themselves feel better about who they are. They are very easy to spot.
Stay tuned for the next episode: How to Spot an Unhappy Person